info & contact

Miriam is a concept- and process-driven visual designer engaging within the realms of the socio-political and the cultural field and offers design and communications consultancy both for individuals and institutions.

Through conceiving and developing visual identities, editorial design as well as digital communication solutions, she aims to create bridges between institutions and people, between information and audience, between artistic and activist thinking and the aesthetic requirements of these fields.

Miriam sees design as an exploratory, collective, and collaborative process, and works in close co-conceptualisation with her clients, stimulating and facilitating the development of bespoke visual communication strategies.

She studied at Chelsea College of Art & Design and Central St. Martins College of Art & Design in London and recently finished Master in Visual Communication at Zurich University of the Arts, exploring how typographic elements can become active agents in fostering dialogue and collective thinking processes.

Recent collaborations include the visual identity for CurieuCity an arts and science festival organised by the VUB/ULB universities in Brussels, the design of the book In These Circumstances by a.pass, the co-conceptualisation and design of Another Version, a publication by artist Philippine Hoegen and the website of the SoundImageCulture to name but a few. Miriam also collaborates with International NGOs like the Green European Foundation, Housing First Europe, Crisis Action and Greenpeace.

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